8 de Diciembre 2009

 On Monday 2 November, started a new auction contest, and the problems suggested in this opportunity will be taken from the last World Bridg Championships, Sao Paulo (Brazil) 2009.

For this specific problem, in addition to our regular panelists, we invited some experts from other countries outside South America, and for the first time we will have comments from women players, welcome!.

The confsudbridge editors wish to express our appreciation to them all, both those who have been with us always, and our new guests. Thanks to all who help us understand a little more this game.

Now the 3nd problem, followed by some of the comments.

Tipo Dador Vul.
Equipos Este N-S
Sur Oeste Norte Este
1 Pass 1 Pass
2 Pass 3 Pass

 Agustín Madala 3.

I think that any other voice would lie to my partner. I dont have 3 cards of spades to say 3 spades (although two honors appear 3 cards) , and I dont have a good heart to repeat it again.

It would be dangerous to encourage my partner to play on spades, as the ruffs in dummy should be with honors.  I have no clear diamond stopper, and nothing says that 3NT is the best contract with me as declarer  if the lead is a club

 3 is waiting, only means: I dont have a good diamond stopper, no good heart, no 3 spades cards.

 I dont think I´ll have problems with my partner re-declaration. This is a special situation of the natural system, where 3 is a simple  forcing game voice, but dont tells much about the hand. My partner (Norberto Bocchi) and me, have developed the idea of playing 2NT over 2, as One Round Forcing and 3 or 3, as  descriptive, showing a F.G. 5-5 hand.  Normally, we say 2 with the South hand, instead of 2.

 Pablo Lambardi: 3

Waiting, exploring a possible 4 with 5-2  ( or 4 with 6 -2 ) .  

 The honors structure, a major suit concentration, suggests not to rush to 3NT because of possible communication problems. 

 Hands like K109xx x Ax KQxxx would play better in 4 than in 3NT, e.g, I would bid 3 over a possible 3 response.

  It is tempting to support , but there is no hurry and can be dangerous to encourage partner if the issue was game or slam.

 Trine Binderkrantz: 3

3. First of all - I would never have this problem... In my system I will open 2 showing a constructive 8-11 and 6-card suit. 

 But now, that I have bid my heartsuit twice, I will bid 3. I have 2 good spades, and partner will not expect more than Hx for my 3 spades bid. (And it is always easyer to bid when you know all the hands  ). 

 Gabriel Chagas: 3.
 3. I think that over 1 I wouldnt respond 2, I prefer 2 As things stand, I think that 3 is better than 3, my second choice. 

 Barry Rigal: 3.
 3.  Here a temporizing call --looking for heart support, planning to bid 3 over 3 and let partner in on the secret, but prepared to pass 3NT.

 3 is also possible but obviously we'd all prefer three trumps and while QJ is almost three cards, could we blame partner for raising spades with the wrong hand now?

 Marcelo Castello Branco: 3

3.  Waiting for:  a differed heart support to say 4; if he repeats his spade suit I respond 4; and Pass over 3NT...

 Mark Horton: 3
In a natural system (Acol) for example, partner's bid of 3cx is a one round force, although in practice it is unusal to stop out of game in this type of auction.
As I see it you have three possibilities now:
3: Fourth suit, hoping that partner can bid 3NT.
3: Only two cards in support, but partner figures to have more than four spades and I did not bid 2 on the previous round.

3NT: This might be right, although the diamond stopper is very thin.
For my money I think 3 is best - if partner continues with 3NT you are happy to pass, and if he happens to have some extra values then at least your spades are honours and the singleton club might also come in useful. 

 For example, give partner AKxxxx xx x AKQx and 6 is not too bad

 John Carruthers: 3.

  On this problem, I would bid Three Spades. 

 I am reluctant to bid 3NT with such a diamond holding, which could work out poorly if partner is short in diamonds. 

 Since I am not reluctant to raise to 2 on three trumps, partner will realise I may only have a doubleton in this case.

 Alejandro Bianchedi: 3.

 I think this is a hand to play a suit contract, I like to support my partner with QJ. 

 I dont want to say 3ST it can give a wrong image of what I actually have. My values can be helpfull for the opposite hand.

Nadia Bekkouche: 3.
I believe that 3 should be a better hand than this, and I am not sure that the J654  is good enough for 3NT. I bid 3, it might promise 3 cards, but QJ hopefully covers the missing one.